The oral presentations, Q&A sessions and poster sessions will be streamed live through the conference platform and will afterwards be made available there via “streaming on demand”. During Q&A sessions, questions can be posted live in the chat.
All posters can be visited virtually throughout the conference. A dedicated poster session will provide the opportunity to get in touch and discuss.
Please click here to download a PDF document containing instructions for attendees.
Please click here to download a PDF document with the instructions for chairs and speakers.
During your Q&A session, you may want to use the virtual background with the conference branding in Zoom. Please download it here and refer to the instructions here on "Using Virtual Background" at the end of the page.
During the poster sessions, poster presenters are expected to be available for questions and discussion in our Zoom breakout rooms. Please make sure that you are logged in and present in your respective breakout room during the time of your poster session. Please use your real name and the poster code as your user name. If you are presenting more than one poster in one session, they will be combined into one Zoom breakout room.
To choose your breakout room, enter the Zoom meeting for your poster session via the link sent to you by email (also listed in the individual poster sessions on our conference platform PheedLoop). In the meeting, click on the icon „breakout rooms“ in your Zoom controls and choose your poster from the list. Click on "join" to access the room. If you want to momentarily move on to another poster, click on the "breakout rooms" icon again and choose the corresponding room from the list. In the list, you can also see how many other attendees are currently present in your room. Please make sure you are using the latest version of the Zoom client, see: If you are experiencing technical difficulties, use the chat function or the help button in the breakout rooms to get help from our Technical Hosts.
Start of online registration: February 10, 2021 |
End of early bird: March 8, 2021 |
Deadline for full papers: April 23, 2021 |