Prof. Dr. Rolf Brendel, ISFH, Germany
Amrock Pty Ltd, Australia: Dr Pierre Verlinden
CEA, France: Dr. Sébastien Dubois
EPFL STI IMT PV-LAB, Switzerland: Prof. Christophe Ballif
Fraunhofer ISE, Germany: Prof. Dr. Stefan Glunz
imec, Belgium: Prof. Dr. Jef Poortmans
ISFH, Germany: Prof. Dr. Rolf Brendel
University of Konstanz, Germany: Prof. Dr. Giso Hahn
TNO Energy Transition, The Netherlands: Prof. Dr. Arthur Weeber
1366 Technologies Inc., USA: Dr. Rob Steeman
Aalto University, Finland: Prof. Hele Savin
ALD Vacuum Technologies GmbH, Germany: Henrik Franz
Amrock Pty Ltd, Australia: Dr Pierre Verlinden
Arizona State University, USA: Kathryn Fisher
Australian National University, Australia: Dr. Marco Ernst
Canadian Solar, China: Dr. Weiwei Deng
CEA-INES, France: Dr. Sébastien Dubois, Eric Gerritsen, Dr. Delfina Munoz
CENER, Spain: Ana Lagunas
Chinese Academy of Sciences, China: Prof. Rui Jia
CSEM, Switzerland: Christophe Allebé, Dr. Antoine Descoeudres, Dr. Andrea Ingenito, Dr. Heng-Yu Li
Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands: Dr. Olindo Isabella
Dow Corning, Belgium: Dr. Guy Beaucarne
Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands: Prof. Erwin Kessels
ENEA, Italy: Alessandra Scognamiglio
Enel Green Power, Italy: Cosimo Gerardi
EPFL, Switzerland: Dr. Mathieu Boccard, Dr. Franz-Josef Haug, Dr. Quentin Jeangros
Fraunhofer CSP, Germany: Dr. Marko Turek
Fraunhofer ISE, Germany: Benedikt Bläsi, Dr. Florian Clement, Dr. Andreas Fell, Prof. Stefan Glunz, Dr. Martin Hermle, Dr. Henning Nagel, Dr. Joerg Horzel, Dr. Martin Schubert, Dr. Andreas Wolf
Hanwha Q Cells, Germany: Fabian Fertig, Dr. Ansgar Mette, Dr. Stefan Peters
HZB, Germany: Dr. Lars Korte
Heraeus, Germany: Dr. Matthias Hörteis
IFE, Norway: Prof. Erik Marstein, Dr. Rune Søndenå
imec, Belgium: Dr. Ivan Gordon, Dr. Jonathan Govaerts, Dr. Joachim John, Prof. Jef Poortmans, Dr. Jozef Szlufcik, Dr. Loic Tous, Eszter Voroshazi
ISFH, Germany: Dr. Thorsten Dullweber, Dr. Marc Köntges, Prof. Jan Schmidt, Dr. Henning Schulte-Huxel
KAUST, Saudi Arabia: Prof. Stefaan De Wolf
Meyer Burger, Germany: Marcel König, Dr. Heiko Mehlich
Ningbo Institute of Materials Technologies and Engineering, China: Prof. BaoJie Yan
NREL, USA: Timothy Silverman, Dr. David Young
OFI, Austria: Gabriele Eder
PV Lighthouse, Australia: Dr. Keith McIntosh
SERIS, Singapore: Dr. Yong Sheng Khoo, Dr. Fen Lin
Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China: Prof. Wenzhong Shen
SINGULUS Technologie, Germany: Dr. Peter Wohlfart
Sinton Instruments, USA: Dr. Ronald A. Sinton
Solarwatt, Germany: Armin Froitzheim
Soli Tek R&D, Lithuania: Julius Denafas
TNO Energy Transition, The Netherlands: Dr. Gianluca Coletti, Dr. Bonna Newman, Prof. Arthur Weeber
TOTAL S.A., France: Dr. Nils-Peter Harder, Dr. Lars Oberbeck
Trina Solar, China: Dr. Daming Chen, Dr. Yifeng Chen, Shu Zhang
University of Konstanz, Germany: Prof. Giso Hahn, Axel Herguth, Dr. Barbara Terheiden
University of Ljubljana, Slovenia: Prof. Marko Topič
University of New South Wales, Australia: Prof. Bram Hoex
US Dept of Energy, USA: Dr. Paul Basore
Zhejiang Jinko Solar Co Ltd., China: Dr. Qi Wang
Zhejiang University, China: Prof. Deren Yang
ISFH, Germany: Prof. Dr. Rolf Brendel, Lasse David, Timo Gewohn, Christina Hollemann, Dr. Bianca Lim, Dr. Henning Schulte-Huxel
PSE GmbH, Germany: Beatrix Feuerbach, Stefanie Hermann
Start of online registration: February 10, 2021 |
End of early bird: March 8, 2021 |
Deadline for full papers: April 23, 2021 |