Thank you to all who contributed to the SiliconPV 2021 online conference! Thanks to all authors and speakers for their high quality contributions, to the committees for their dedicated support and to our sponsors who helped to make this conference possible. And of course thank you all for attending. We were happy to welcome more than 300 participants from all over the word!
We are looking forward to welcoming you again next year in Konstanz, Germany and online.
Save the date in your calendar now: March 28 - April 01, 2022!
Keep motivated, stay safe and healthy!
The SiliconPV 2021 conference proceedings are now published with AIP, the American Institute of Physics (, volume number 2487.
All accepted papers are freely accessible on the AIP website and contain an ISBN number for the volume as well as individual DOI numbers for each paper.
The proceedings are available here >>
The SiliconPV 2021 best papers are now published in SOLMAT in the special issue "SiliconPV 2021".
Go to the SiliconPV 2021 special issue in SOLMAT >>
Registered participants can now access the Internal Area including:
- the list of participants
- short summaries of all accepted abstracts
- videos of all presentations (available for streaming)
- all posters
- full papers (if cleared for publication)
Since the beginning of the year, the worldwide crisis caused by the spread of the corona virus has affected each and every one of us. This also influenced everyday scientific life and of course all our conferences and meetings where personal exchange is an important part of.
However, it is really essential to also keep fighting not only the corona virus but also the very dangerous crisis of global warming. Therefore, let us take the current situation as a challenge to continue pushing forward the science and technology of crystalline Si photovoltaics. This can strongly support a faster transformation towards a fully renewable energy system that does not leave anyone behind.
>>> see the whole message here
As in the last years, the nPV Workshop takes place successively to the SiliconPV conference with one overlapping day on Wednesday. It'll give you a complete overview of all trends, innovations and developments of n-type technology.
The best 10 ranked contributions and the 6 best posters of SiliconPV 2021 have been awarded in the closing session.
Congratulations to the award winners!
Start of online registration: February 10, 2021 |
End of early bird: March 8, 2021 |
Deadline for full papers: April 23, 2021 |